1313 mockingbird Lane

‘Twas the Night

In perfect time 1313 Mockingbird Lane celebrates the holidays with an advent calender for all of you. Coming in December the calender will be available and one of the items available will be the Holiday Plaid version of the Temptress Harness & Silks. Don’t miss your chance to get this wonderful gift during the holiday season.

(*<*) 1313 Temptress Harness & Silk- Holiday Plaid
Main Store: 1313 Mockingbird Lane
Izzie’s – Body & Face Beach Sand
Izzie’s – Bikini Tan Lines
Main Store: Izzie’s
[monso] My Hair – Mimi /Red
Main Store: Monso
Props & Poses:
LAQ Decor ~ Christmas Tree – Silver
Main Store: LAQ Decor
Embody – Urban Icon Bento Pose Set
Urban Icon- 1
Main Store: Embody
The Rest

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